
Here are some of my older projects. This page got lost when I moved the webhost so I'm posting it again here. The majority of them are colaborations with my good friend Andreas Brinck. Most of the downloadables are Win32 executables.

Spherical Roam (Jim Tilander and Andreas Brinck, Fall 2000)


A small demo showing how to create a planetoid and using realtime LOD to reduce the triangle count. We created the actual displacement map in a preprocessor using perlin noise. The download contains a preprocessor and the executable that shows the planet. The LOD algorithm is a modified version of the famous ROAM algorithm. We use bintriangles and a precalculated deviation field to estimate the on screen error. The actual planetoid is generated with perlin noise.

The preprocessor takes a number of obscure arguments, you can play around with them if you like. The logres parameter is expanded to raise 2 by that number, so be careful with that. The octaves parameter is dependent upon the logres. The sample data file was generated with:

gensphere foo.dat 8 6 3000 600 120837

[Main program] [Datafile] [Simple Direct Media Library] [Glut]

[Screen 01] [Screen 02]

Blood (Jim Tilander and Andreas Brinck, Spring 2000)


This small program was written as a contribution to a local competition in real time graphics at Chalmers Medialab. We won second price and got the recognition as the best pedagogic entry. The readme in the zip file is unfortunately in Swedish, as the competition was in Sweden. The non original story is that you have been injected into the bloodstream of a human being and can travel around with the help of a minisub. During your travels you can gain information about the blood particles you encounter.

In our custom made editor we could manipulate the splines that constituted the sections of the bloodsystem. In the background we had a picture of an actual bloodsystem in order to have some idea of scale and what we were supposed to model.

[Main program] [Glut]

[Screen 01]

Ascent (Jim Tilander, Andreas Brinck[1], Spring 2000)


Ascent is a First Person Shooter game inspired by another famous game. It supports multiplayer action via TCP/IP. The download contains a windows server and a windows client. Multiple clients can connect to the server, it even works for clients behind firewalls (that is, if the port used is open).

Andreas Brinck is responsible for graphics and all models, physics and graphics engine Jim Tilander wrote the server, client mainframe and the graphics engine (with Brinck).

[Main program] [Simple Direct Media Library] [Glut]

[Screen 01] [Screen 02] [Screen 03] [Screen 04] [Screen 05]

[1] Additional code for unfinished modules were provided by: Paul Waserbrot (Cryptographic system), Mattias Brossard (Sound), Jimmy Rosen (Control System).

Tiny RTS (Jim Tilander, Andreas Brinck, Spring 1999)


A very small RTS demo written by me and Andreas Brinck in the spring of 1999. This is also the very first real project we used the very cool library Simple Direct Media Layer. We actually developed the program on SPARC Solaris and demonstrated it on a portable IBM with Linux.

The units in the demo are rather intelligent, thet uses a slightly modified Djikstra algorithm for navigation. The map was made with the help of another tool, a tile map editor. The user interface to that editor turned out rather poorly and Brinck cursed me during the development for the day I wrote that thing :)

[Main program] [Simple Direct Media Library]

[Screen 01] [Screen 02]

Landscape demo (Jim Tilander, Andreas Brinck, Spring 1999)


A small Landscape demo that experiments with a quadtree for geometry culling. We developed whis application during a week whilst taking various exams. At this point we did not have any powerful graphics accelerator - we developed the application on SUN's Creator 3D graphics card. The screenshots shows the development from very crude to fully textured.

[Main program]

[Screen 01] [Screen 02] [Screen 03]

Orbital (Jim Tilander, Andreas Brinck, Winter 1997)


A small program that visualizes the orbital clouds that represents the electrons in hydrogen-like atoms.

[Main program]

[Screen 01]

Voyage (Jim Tilander, Andreas Brinck, Rickard Lind, Spring 1996)


The demo is written in x86 assembler and some small amount of C++ code. It was written for the Assembly '96 competition and was completed the day before we flew to Helsinki. The original requirements were a Pentium 120MHz and 8Mb of memory.

[Main program]
